a very long game where the white played a dangerous opening,el black played in the opening one sacrifice a pawn very well to accommodate its pieces better and to after petlya could not continue the way and he debilitate its central pawns the white gain material and after won the ending with mistakes for both players.
[Event "The 34th FTL Tournament"]
[Site "FICS"]
[Date "2007.??.??"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Aramen"]
[Black "petlya"]
[Result "1-0"]
[WhiteElo "1773"]
[BlackElo "1581"]
[PlyCount "129"]
[EventDate "2007.??.??"]
[TimeControl "2700+45"]
1. g4 {!} d5 2. Bg2 h5 3. g5 e5 4. h4 Be6 5. c4 c6 6. Qb3 Qb6 7. Qxb6 axb6 8.
cxd5 Bxd5 9. Bxd5 cxd5 10. Nc3 d4 !? {danger move maybe he black have move 10.
Ne7 but 10.d4 too black have more space and he can win times with the
sacrifice of pawn of b6} 11. Nd5 Bd6 12. Nxb6 Ra6 13. Nc4 Kd7 14. Nf3 f6 15. d3
Ne7 16. Bd2 Nbc6 17. a3 b5 18. Nxd6 Kxd6 19. O-O {
position equal white is one little weak but have one pawn of more} Ke6 20. Kh2
f5 21. Rac1 e4 ! {good move ! winning space} 22. Ne1 Ng6 23. Kg3 Kd5 24. Bb4
Nxb4 25. axb4 Rc6 26. dxe4+ fxe4 27. Rxc6 Kxc6 28. Nc2 Kd5 ? {
little mistake d3 is better} 29. Rd1 d3 30. exd3 exd3 31. Rxd3+ Kc4 32. Rc3+
Kd5 33. Rc5+ Ke4 34. Rxb5 Rf8 35. Ne1 Rf4 ? 36. f3+ Kd4 37. Ng2 ? (37. Rb6
Ne7 38. Nc2+ Ke5 39. Rb5+ Nd5 40. Rxd5+ ! {winning of game !}) 37... Rf7 38.
Rc5 Rb7 39. Ne1 Ne7 40. Nc2+ Kd3 41. Kf2 Kd2 42. Ne1 ? Rxb4 43. Rc2+ Kd1 44.
Re2 Nf5 45. Ng2 Rb3 46. Ne3+ Nxe3 47. Rxe3 Rxb2+ 48. Kg3 Rb5 {
Rb8 is unique for defend pawn g8} 49. Re7 g6 50. Re6 Rf5 51. Rxg6 Ke2 52. f4
Rc5 53. Re6+ Kf1 54. Kf3 Rc3+ 55. Re3 Rc2 56. Rb3 Rf2+ 57. Ke4 Rh2 58. Rb1+ Kg2
59. Rb2+ Kg3 60. Rxh2 Kxh2 61. g6 Kh3 62. g7 Kxh4 63. g8=Q Kh3 64. Kf3 Kh2 65.
Qg2# 1-0
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